Alex Daltsis

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Graduate of computer science with experience working across the full-stack of software development. Primarily building web apps with Angular & Firebase. Experienced with javascript and typescript. Good undestanding of web technologies and databases, in addition to software engineering concepts. Able to build full stack applications as well as scripts to automate tasks using Nodejs.


Software Engineer

Kaizen Gaming
  • Working with VueJS, leveraging its component-based architecture and reactivity features to develop robust and interactive front-end applications. Experienced with Vuex, to manage application state and facilitate effective data flow and communication between components.
  • Skilled in implementing real-time communication using WebSockets, enabling features such as instant messaging, live data updates and collaborative functionalities.
  • Proficient in unit testing with Jest, ensuring the correctness and reliability of components and functions within applications.
  • Posses basic knowledge of .NET framework, enabling effective collaboration with back-end developers on projects involving .NET technologies.
May 2022 - Present

Web Developer


Developing full stack applications using Angular for the web app and Firebase (Nodejs) as backend. Employed best practices in software development to complete high-quality applications in line with scheduled targets. Deep understanding of Firebase ecosystem and GCP, as well as Angular and typescript. Comfortable with debuging web apps with dev tools or IDE (VSCode). Ability to write clean, maintainable high quality code. Mainly working on delivery applications both in retail and wholesale. Building, enchancing and maintain a multitude of apps. Also providing mentorship to interns when necessary.

October 2020 - May 2022

Back end developer


Developed the back end infrastructure for a mobile app based on social gathering, with Firebase. Designed APIs to allow outside applications and sites to interact smoothly with the application server. Worked with mobile developers and UX/UI designer to create the app from zero, providing my knowledge and experience.

October 2021 - December 2021


International Hellenic University (Δ.Ι.Π.Α.Ε)

Computer Science - Software Engineer
September 2015 - April 2021


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Responsive Design
  • Clean, maintainable code
  • Team player
  • Up to date with latest technologies
  • Agile Development & Scrum

Here you can preview my CV


Always looking for a way to increase my knowledge about web technologies.
Apart from web development, I am creating scripts to automate tasks for my family & friends.
Also, mentoring other people through discord for web development.


Watch A movie

This is an app to movies/series served from another app that acts as a server. This is intended for a LAN configuration.
The client app is written with Angular & Typescript and can be built for desktop using Electron or mobile with cordova.
The server application is built using Electron + Angular & Typescript and has a simple UI to add movies on. The server code is developed with NodeJs and Express.
You can find the apps in github

Greek Mythos

This app was developed for my thesis on IHU. It a multiplayer turn based game to test your knowledge on greek mythology. It features a web app for the actuall game and settings, and a server to handle the actuall logic of the games. Except for the game it also contains a friend list with realtime status and game/friend requests, as well as a singleplayer mode.
You can find the app here

Make it short URL

This is a simple app that has server hosted on heroku and a MongoDB database. It has an api that can create shorter urls for any given one. It has rate limiting and it deletes old urls (inactive after 30days)
You can find the app here and the source code here here

How much i spend

Under development

This app allows a user to keep track of their spendings, using calendar like interface. The front end code is written using React and the backend using Firebase.
You can find the app here